📩Overview of the Crystal Proposal Process

This page is an overview of the Crystal Proposal Process

Proposal creation: Proposal creation can only be carried out by admins of the DAO. These admins are often times core contributors, founders, and key members of the DAO.

Admins of this governance portal can make custom proposals to gain insight and involve the community in decision making.

Submission Period: The submission period starts immediately after a proposal is created until the date and time specified by the creator of the proposal. During this period the community can provide submissions to be voted on. The proposal creator can also make it so only admins can provide submissions to be voted on. During the submission period, the proposal/bounty will show a "Accepting-Submissions" status.

Submission Deadline: The submission deadline is specified during proposal creation. After this deadline hits, no more submission can be submitted and the voting period becomes live.

Voting period: The voting period is the period between the submission deadline and the voting deadline. During this period all DAO members can cast and retract votes. During the voting period the proposal will show the status of "Voting".

Voting deadline: The voting deadline marks the end of the proposal lifecycle on Crystal. After this deadline hits, no more votes can be counted and results are final. After the voting deadline the proposal will show the status of "Concluded"

Last updated